Investigation, detection and proof of infidelity - Fox Detective Agency in Bulgaria

Disclosure of infidelity

Investigation, detection and cheated by a detective agency Fox. "Am I cheating" is a question that many people are usually struggling and you do not need! If you have even the slightest suspicion that your partner is cheating, we are so. We specialize in investigating infidelity and other detective services.

Investigation and proof of cheating on your spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend
Do you suspect your partner that you cheat and have an affair, infidelity in doubt?
Detectives from Fox Detective Agency specialize in detecting and proving infidelity, marriage, premarital investigations. We can prove the infidelity of your spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend, if it is a fact, and you will get the exact information that we collect - photographs, videos and other recordings and evidence of this infidelity.
If you intend to bring your divorce case, we can trace the assets of your partner and prove what lies on you.
We understand that hiring a private investigator for you is a difficult decision and is associated with anxiety - what will you learn about the partner - a husband or boyfriend / girlfriend you! We have extensive experience in identifying and proving infidelity in Bulgaria and abroad.

Trust us!

Did he/she cheating on me? This question was asked of a large percentage of people!

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