Precios de los servicios de detectives - Fox Agencia Detectivesca Bulgaria


When you hire a detective never ask first about the price of detective services because the exact price is possible to determine until after explaining your problem. Furthermore, it is important to note that not all detective agencies and private detectives can do the work undertaken as it should - the quality and reliability of the information gathered, discretion, speed, accuracy ... all important things. Each detective agency has different resources with which to fulfill the task, and some investigators have no opportunity to do so.

For optimal fulfillment of our tasks, we have put in a rich technical background, professional engineering detective and spy equipment. Moreover, we have considerable professional experience. Do not ignore the extensive network of good professional contacts that we have built in almost all areas of public life. Fox Detective Agency and are a member of the Association of Private Investigators in Bulgaria.

So, first check and then judge!

In Bulgaria there are offers for detective services at very low prices, but this is a problem because every private detective or several detectives, detective agencies should fulfill the task fully, quickly, accurately, correctly. The low price of each detective services affect the quality of implementation and Detective Agency Fox did not compromise in the quality of the service.